Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vermi-Technology, bio-fertilizer.

Vermi-technology, bio-fertilizer.

Introduction: The geography have lived 120 million years ago, the earthworms. These organic wastes are brought to comprehend matkavaittu uramakki crops again. The activities of earthworms in the soil is very important.

And to increase the number of microorganisms in the soil, earthworms destroy this disease vector. The organizers say that earthworms environment. Because they change the soil's physical loop sets.

Vermi Fertilizer Technology:

Fertilizer Vermi-technology, organic waste, and Value earthworms, sewage and waste in the area of ​​chemical and biological contaminants excision progress.

Vermi-composting earthworms produce to choose the optimal characteristics of

• developing the use of a large number of organic waste should be.

• Variety in all circumstances must be growing.

• Variety must be a large number of chicks produced.

• cerittu dominated food intake, tend to be veliyerruma.

For example, varieties ehciniya

Earthworm varieties are divided into three categories depending on the area.

• Organic waste on the surface of the soil, nature and animal waste is growing.
• the nature of the soil is growing a little inside. Growing in the soil is covered kilparap.

On the surface of the soil, organic waste, livestock waste to developing earthworms, eppijik (Epigeic) is. Earthworms can grow down into the soil, entojiyik (Endogeic) called. It is 30 cm from the soil. M of depth are growing.

These products generally, including soil and organic food will be. They are characterized by a hole in the soil. After the top of the sand and the sand kilp are mixed together. Tulaikalin earthworms leave the air, water, and reaches vermantalattai. Aparektita example of this type of earthworms (Aporrectedea) is.

Earthworms in the soil kilpakat anicik (Anecic) called. The depth of the soil in the long (3 meters) leads orifice. Bottom of the organic material to the soil, which carries mannila. For example terastir lumparikkas these worms in the soil, aparokita lanka.

Manpulukkalana yutrillas growing on the surface of the soil, earthworms are very popular eyciniya and piriyaniks. They called on the African earthworm yuttirillas yujiniye grown in large numbers, with a large amount of waste to people.

2. Vermi-compost in various stages of development

Level - 1
That matk waste collection, transfer small pieces, metal, glass and ceramic materials for the separation.

Level - 2
Haze can matk waste, and the sprinkling canakkaraicalai, makkavitutal for 20 days. The 20 days will be able to eat earthworm humus waste. Well dried animal waste, Solar Water waste gas can be used directly to produce only Vermi compost.

Level - 3
Preparation of earthworm urappatukkai. Vermi-compost is very important to prepare the ground hard. If the ground is soft soil earthworm have a chance to go. Vermi bed and get on the water, when dissolved in water and soluble nutrients back into the earth.

Level - 4
Vermi-compost is produced by taking the parittu earthworms. When on the sieve to sift earthworm fertilizer, compost and well-Biodegradable wastes to separate. Biodegradable waste again put the earthworm bed.

Level - 5
Vermi-ventilated place that is collected in veyilpatata save a lot of fertilizer. The earthworm fertilizer stored in the beneficial microorganisms that grow in large quantities.

Earthworm fertilizer production methods

Selection of the optimal earthworm

Vermi-compost production are used only for manpulurakam who live in the area. Manpuluvanatu who live in the depths of the soil, earthworm suitable for the production of fertilizer. African earthworm (yutirilas yujiniye), red worm (eyciniya hpoytita), and the worm (periyaniks ekskavetas) all the best for the production of fertilizer manpulukkalakum earthworm. Manpulukkalum together three earthworm fertilizer can be produced. Than the other two African (yutirilas yujiniye) puluvanatu very best. Vermi-compost and worms because they produce large amounts of short-term intervals.

Table: 1 Vermi compost waste to produce the optimum

Waste of space available:

Waste to be used
Agricultural farms.

Dürr crop, weeds, straw, husk, manure
Plantation Crops.

Stem, leaves, palattolkal
Dung, urine, Solar Water waste gas.

Food processing plant

Skin, shell, use curry, vegetables

Cooking oil mill

Seed shell, pressmud

Waste water is used, barley waste

Seed processing plant

Fruits (Central District), mulaikkata seeds

Perfume Factory

Stem, leaves, flowers

Coconut fiber plant

Coir waste

Earthworm fertilizer production for the location:

Vermi-compost production with shade, high humidity and cool to be part of. Use cow barn, poultry and buildings can be used. If production in the open air, select a shady place. Sun and Rain's safe use coconut thatch strip. Useless junk pile with wet sacks for earthworm fertilizer production must close.

Earthworm fertilizer production structures:

Build a cement tank should be at its height 2 feet and 3 feet wide. Depending on the size of the room may be long in any amount. Base must be built like a tank sloping shape. Vatikattuvatark high water and a small storage pit from earthworm fertilizer needs of the organization. Hollow blocks, bricks, using them to create structures at around that time. This method can maintain the proper humidity level. Veliyeratu the unwanted water.

Vermi bed for fertilizer production:

Rice, coconut husk or cane narkalivu or 3 cm at the base of the plume structure of earthworm fertilizer production. Parappaventum m height. 3 cm above the bed of river sand. M height should be scattered. After 3 cm Horticulture height of the soil should be spread. This should sprinkle water.

Potummurai waste in bed:

Animal waste compost waste half with 30 percent (based on weight or volume) to mix. Ikkalavaiyai earthworm fertilizer should be filled until the edge of the structure. Humidity should be 60 percent. Vermi have chosen to spread evenly. X.5 meters high and two meters wide and one meter length X1 kg Worm (Worm 2000) is required. Manpuluvinai, it is not kalivukalukkulle. If this is parappin above.

Water spray system:

Daily water spraying is necessary, must be 60 percent irappatama. When you have to sprinkle water. Do not fill. Telippatanai water should be stopped prior to harvest.

Worm urattinai uttamerrutal:

Acittopektar, asospairillam,, Pseudomonas, such as bio-fertilizers urattinai uttamerralam by the earthworm.  and increase the nutritional value of uttamerrutal life. And beneficial organisms, earthworm uttamerriya increase in fertilizer. Acopas a ton kalivirku kg (acospairillam and phosphorylated - bacteria) on a scale of twenty days in bed, then add the earthworm.

Earthworm manure harvesting procedure:

In the tank, only kalivinai earthworm earthworm fertilizer should be harvested at the top of the bed. This week is a time to harvest. In the shadow of the funnel should be collected by hand kalivinai earthworm. Need to know the location of this aruvataiyinai earthworm. At appropriate intervals by the aruvataiyinai can urattinai earthworm good quality.

Ciriyapatukkai system, earthworm manure harvesting at appropriate intervals required. Up to 1 meter of waste accumulation in the system because, if the waste is harvested after the compost.

Worm Harvest time:

Vermi-compost production is completed, earthworms fertilization from the fertilizer. This should be placed in multiple locations in the small cow manure pit canappantukal. If the canattin kavarappatukinrana the earthworms. The dung is then dissolved in water and soil by potuvatan  worms. The worms, next manpula used to produce compost.

Earthworm fertilizer:

 Size varies according to the materials we use. If you use different types of waste, which includes a wide range of crop nutrients. Only one kind of high level waste in the use of specific nutrients.  below levels of the common earthworm dung.

9.5 - 11.98 percent

0.5 - 1.5 percent

0.1 - 0.3 percent

0.15 - 0.56 percent

0.06 - 0.30 percent

22.67 - 47.6 mm. Ik / 100 g

2 - 9.5 mm. G / kg

2 - 9.3 mm. G / kg

5.7 - 11.55 mm. G / kg

128 - 5485 mm. G / kg

Earthworm manure storage system

40 percent of the moisture in the soil, worm fertilizer harvested in the dark room, tries to keep the sun should be. Thus, the moisture content to prevent waste. Otherwise no problem storing in the open, it's best to compost rather than fertilizer packet. When storing compost fertilizer in the open water spray to keep moisture. This will prevent the destruction of microorganisms. Repositioning with 40 percent humidity, but not less than earthworm protect the quality of the fertilizer. You must fill in at the time of selling the bags.

Benefits of Worm Fertilizer

Higher than the earthworm fertilizer nutrient in the fertilizer to the other.
Nunnuyirkalana acattopektar beneficial in earthworm dung, acospairillam and a large number of bacteria are phosphorylated.
The beneficial microorganisms in the air talaiccattai Worm Poses in fertilizer. To obtain the status of earthworm fertilizer for crops that are secreted growth promoter.
The maniccattai provides karaiyamal dissolved.
If any toxic materials in the solid waste earthworm stomach when they transferred their properties.

Vermi-compost manufacturing technology
Vermi-compost using

Vermi-compost is recommended with a ekter ground 5. Vermi compost soil mixture placed in cradles on the 40 percent mixed and then placed in pots planted seedlings. Developed coconut tree, banana trees, such as a tree, put 5 kg. Earthworm fertilizer applied to the soil, the soil at the bottom of the need. Itakkutatu on the surface of the soil. If it is above the surface of the soil, the earthworm fertilizer will die when the benefit is veyilpatum microorganisms.

Vermi-compost preparation to be considered when

Marchionne earthworm have the right to choose.
All levels, created conditions conducive to the growth of earthworm.
If demand grows by more than earthworms, as many times as needed to discard the rest of the number. If there is no space in my earthworms die.

The method is suitable for poor farmers Silver Earthworm fertilizer

The peasants called the friend of earthworms to produce compost system is widespread. This is a good profitable business and began a career in the special has some farmers.

Environment to live earthworm

Urattayarip Worm hole in the system, the system heap muraitotti system and the addition of silver produced in the earthworm fertilizer. But as the lowest-cost method of earthworm fertilizer may produce the chip. This method is suitable for poor farmers to produce their own earthworm is fertilizer.

If large quantities of earthworms on the increased availability of high level quality Vermi compost. To access it, earthworms and left in a pile in a good position to grow, particularly for breeding. Healthy growth of earthworms good ventilation, humidity, food, and should be the right temperature. Always the right place to live earthworms in need of moisture. If less susceptible to moisture worms. Similarly, the relative humidity increases, the worms will die century moved to breathe. The reason for this, is by the skin of their cuvacikkinrana earthworms. When they are unable to breathe through the skin of moisture fold increase.

Similar to earthworms and natural vegetable food waste must be mixed with mattuccanat. Earthworms have it excretes waste. Cattukkalum filled all the waste to the crops. The temperature is 16 to 28 degrees centikiret live earthworm. The temperature in the shade most of the worms have developed a water-spray cooling.

Silver Worm's time urattayarippu

Silver is the best way for poor farmers to produce earthworm fertilizer used in the system. Bag of chips available on the market is a type of bag made of synthetic material. Small-scale farmers who want to enter the earthworm urattayarip 12 feet long, 4 feet wide and two and a half feet tall bag of chips that are to be purchased. 13 feet in length to fit the bag to get the trees to the challenge. Similarly, the 4-foot-tall trees might want to challenge 14.

Silver water out of the holes in the bag to be slightly lower than the area of ​​the state to stop sag. Challenge to build a wood chip, along with the bag , use plastic kayirraiyo. Outside of the area where the drain excessive water out  set to 2, 2 to 2 in the cavity of the infusion set can earthworm. Jallikkarkalaiyo at the bottom of the bag of chips or coconut or coconut mattaikalaiyo narkkalivaiyo lead to a form of such section.

This form of 10 to 15 cm deep. Meters in size if needed.cow vastage on the form, put the mixture patimakkiya and vatage attend. Mattuccanat well-cut and mixed with agricultural waste, compost waste half of 20 to 25 days if the water spray is available. After the sprinkling of water on top of it and put earthworms. Above the level set in the cilpan flow system for a half tonnes of waste can be poured. The amount of the rebate Vermi composting earthworms need to be around 3 kg.

Cerimanamakum waste:

Residual waste left in the exhaust cerittu earthworms are the natural waste. Humidity is suitable for earthworms live in this state of waste that has to be taken care of. Kalivukkuviyal moisture to maintain, over the top side of the chip, pop the lid on the can with straw or jute excuses. Maintained during the first 60 days of Vermi-compost will be ready 50. Vermi-compost is ready to release earthworm residues can understand. Vermi-compost ready, as green manure in pellet form, but the ball rolling chip win six seats in the first three words in the light of the two. Meters in depth to be. A day later, the separation of earthworms can take mattuccana globe. I mean, I already have a cerittu waste dropped the bag of chips that come in the wake of earthworms Solar Water globe will be able to digest. You can collect earthworms.

Maintenance worms:

Silver kalivukkuviyal of earthworms taken from the Boyle Boyle's shilpa then concentrated to collect the earthworm fertilizer. The fertilizer should be dry in the shade for 24 to 36 hours. If it's dry and then fed into the grid to get the most quality Vermi compost. Ninat of earthworm tittul uramanatu must be dense. Fertilizer should not be anything from the bad odor. The earthworm fertilizer will be stored in gunny bags and storing it in the shade than in the open. When storing in the open air on a slight sprinkling of water to maintain humidity. The earthworm eggs, pathogens will benefit from it in the fertilizer for crops to benefit.

At this time, poor farmers will be able to prepare their land for the earthworm fertilizer.